An assessment of your eligibility for the Affordable Housing program, including your household income, must be completed before we invite you to renew your lease.  


To apply for a lease renewal, you must provide:

  • Complete and signed Rent Subsidy Application for Affordable Housing
  • Proof of income for all household members aged 18 years and over.

This income needs to be for:

  • the previous 12 months for your eligibility assessment AND
  • the previous 12 weeks for your rent assessment.


The type of income documents accepted depends on your source of income. The table below outlines the documents required. 



Source of Income 


Proof of Income


If you have not provided customer consent for Hume to access your Centrelink Income details online, you must provide a current Centrelink Income Statement.

If you have provided customer consent for Hume to access your Centrelink income details online, you do not need to provide a Centrelink Income Statement.

Veterans’ Affairs

A General Statement of Pension and a Statement of Income and Assets from the Department of Veteran’s Affairs.


Payslips or a letter or statement from the employer detailing gross wage, applicable tax, deductions, pay period, and payee details for salary or wages for previous 12 weeks.

Self Employed

A completed Australian Tax Office Return or a certified profit and loss statement completed by a registered accountant.


A letter from the Superannuation Fund confirming the amount received.

Overseas pension

A letter or statement from an Overseas Government detailing the amount received.

Savings / Investments

A letter from the investment institution providing details of interest or dividend received.


An itemised Centrelink Income Statement. 


A letter or statement from WorkCover or Insurance Company detailing the amount received.

Other Income

A letter from another organisation or income provider (not listed above) detailing the amount and type of income received.