

As a customer of Hume Housing we may need to know and confirm some of your details held by Services Australia (Centrelink). 


Hume has been assessed and approved by Centrelink to provide the following services: 


  • Centrelink Confirmation eServices - to view your income information
  • Centrepay - to set up and vary your regular deductions
  • Electronic Verification of Rent - to confirm your rent amount for rent assistance payments


In being approved for these services, we must comply with strict guidelines around who accesses the information and how the information is collected and stored. 


Am I eligible to use these services? 


Customers who are receiving a Centrelink payment or paying rent using Centrepay can authorise Hume and Centrelink to exchange information. 


Why should I give Hume access to my Centrelink Information?


Hume is required to review your entitlement to a rent subsidy at least every 6 months. Each time we complete a rent assessment we need your most up to date income documents. When you allow us to have access to your Centrelink information, we can check your regular income and complete your rent review without you having to do anything.


What will Hume do if I give Centrepay consent? 


Your Centrelink income, and therefore weekly rent, usually changes every 6 months. This means you will need to update your payment to Hume.


If you have given Centrepay consent Hume will vary your deduction when your rent changes to ensure your housing payments are met and you don't fall behind in your payments. 


The full consent information can be found on our Authorisation form - Multiple Consent and Authority. 


Complete and return to start using this service, or contact us on 1800 004 300 to discuss.